Product News
On September 10th 2015 at IMD Ltd in Brügg, Swiss market leaders presented their cooperatively engineered innovations for the first time. An international audience witnessed the Product Launch Event for the plastic packaging industry. Swiss partnership has delivered unique products in a short time by combining each company’s specific skills: IMD (Inspection/Handling), PackSys Global (Slitting/Folding), Hapa (Digital Print) and Tanner (Preform Feeding). The outcome is innovative system solutions based on expertise, newest technologies, experience and of course Swiss quality – and all this for a very competitive price!

Why Swiss Partnership
«Because the result is outstanding! We partner up with Swiss market leaders and are presenting new products that perfectly combine all of our skills and expertise.» Matthias Hermle, CEO IMD AG
«Partners should be easily accessible, have a similar brand reputation, profound know-how and quality people you can depend on.»
Manfred Zurkirch, CEO PackSys Global AG
«Swiss made is not enough! It is also about quality, and the drive for success that convinced us for a Swiss Partnership with IMD.»
Beat Rupp, CEO Hapa AG
«Each partner contributes with skills in its specific segment. Because our individual expertise combines successfully, we are able to deliver “the best of all worlds”.» Marco Tanner, CEO M. Tanner AG
What are the conditions, that a partnership works?
«Not only being geographically close but also having a similar company culture makes a cooperation much easier. It is all about people and success is always based on trust. The Swiss partnerships works out very well! I think that it is also important, that we complement one another. There is no fear of completion or copy fear circling over our partnership … this is very important to make such an open communication possible.» Matthias Hermle, CEO IMD AG
Why do you think that IMD is a good choice as a partner for PackSys Global?
«IMD is an established brand in the plastic closure market, they have profound know-how, located close by, they have good people (on many dimensions) and we trust each other. We have been working with IMD on many common projects in the past.» Manfred Zurkirch, CEO PackSys Global AG
How does the Swiss partnership ensure continuous improvement and innovation?
«All companies are close to the market, there is an ongoing interaction between the sales- and R&D teams. Quarterly management meetings assure that the latest trends and market demands are shared between the partners and integrated in the development efforts.» Marco Tanner, CEO M. Tanner AG
Why do you expect the market will implement your latest innovation?
«The success of an innovation is driven by the market acceptance. If you look today on the tile market, digital imaging is the greatest innovation. The customers appreciate how digital printed tiles perform and the larger choice of fashionable designs. Printing for packaging is following the same path. So we see digital printing for packaging already in the market but tomorrow it is available for caps.» Beat Rupp, CEO Hapa AG
What does Innovation mean to IMD?
«Innovation is our culture, our lifeblood! All we develop, it does not have to be only better, but also simpler: Better is not good enough, it has to be simpler! We do listen to our customers to understand, not to respond. Many new things develop at IMD from customer feedback. Such innovations are at the same time good sellers because there is a demand for it … Our pipeline is always well filled with new projects, more than we can possibly do. At the K 2016 we will again show new Innovations.»
Matthias Hermle, CEO IMD AG