Product News
Inspection technology leading the way towards digital printing technology
Today, digital printing on closures is still regarded as a new, innovative technology. IMD already has the first test systems of the IMDvista Closure Digital Print CLDP on the market. Matthias Hermle, CEO IMD Ltd. Switzerland gives an in-depth insight into the digital printing technology of closures and talks about the development process of the IMDvista Closure Digital Print CLDP in an interview with Dr. Otto Appel owner of the trade magazine ComPETence and points out the challenges and the potential.

Read more about digital printing of caps in an Interview by Dr. Otto Appel, comPETence with Matthias Hermle, CEO, IMD, Switzerland. It is about the questions:
- How will the digital printing process change the production and filling processes?
There will be advantages such as simplified storage, flexibility, in-house production and no more need to warehouse storage.
- How has IMD solved the technical and technological challenges regarding positioning of the caps at high speeds, material, inks, pre-treatment, migration?
Central factors here are, for example, the ink used and IMD’s competence in Inspection.
- How can printed closures become a marketing tool?
Matthias Hermle: «You can print almost anything on a closure, from simple logos to high-gloss images. Even “serialized” printing is possible. That is, you can print x different printouts in succession. Think of sporting events, sports clubs, music, etc. in this context, the closures can become collectibles. You can react quickly and create unique pieces by loading only one new parameter set – the bottle, the brand comes immediately on the market! I believe we are still at the beginning of great opportunities under marketing aspects».
- Digital Printing of Caps leads to New Production and Filling Processes
- Inspection Technology Leading the Way Toward Digital Printing Technology: An Add-On Made Possible by Combining Skillsets
Interview by Dr. Otto Appel, ComPETence magazine with Matthias Hermle, CEO, IMD, Switzerland

Product Information IMDvista Closure Digital Print CLDP