IMDvista – Barrier Inspection Systems
Imagine if your handling system does not stop to take a picture – This is exactly how our IMDvista BTIR operates!
This is the kind of quality control that costumers require these days. IMDvista contributes a complete range of products for barrier layers inspection, inline and offline.
Learn more about our barrier inspection below.
IMDvista BTIX – Barrier Testing (pat. pending)
Closure Barrier Inspection

Fully integrated system solution into a complete closure down stream line.
- High speed application with conveyor integrated in an
IMDvista complete system solution - Including handling, control cabinet, ethernet, PLC, screen, blowout etc.
IMDvista BTIR OEM– OEM System Solution
Barrier Inspection - IN-Line System Solution

Fully integrated system solution into a complete external handling solution. Easy integration in existing or new equipment. Complete package (software, signals, rejection, statistics, etc.).
Key Facts
- 100% Inline testing in the flow of the process –> No need to stop under camera!
- Possible speed up to 1’000 parts per minute (depending the application)
- Barrier layers become visible (for example EVOH)
- Can read cavity numbers, etc.
- Combination with daylight cameras (all IMDvista packages available)