Product News
Closer to our customers: IMD now has subsidiary in Germany
IMD has had a presence in Germany since January 2016 with the company IMD (EMEA) GmbH based in new premises in Kriftel near Wiesbaden. Rolf Steinmetz and Andrea Altmann, two experienced industry professionals are picking up the baton locally. This means that IMD will now be closer to its customers – in line with the maxim "Only if you know your customers and listen to them, can you know what they want." You can find more about the new company and brief portraits of Rolf Steinmetz and Andrea Altmann here.
Portrait of Rolf Steinmetz, Area Sales Manager, IMD (EMEA) GmbH in Kriftel, Germany

Clear goals in mind
Rolf Steinmetz has clear goals in mind for IMD (EMEA) GmbH. He wants to further establish IMD as a reliable technology partner with its customers and make the most of his 26 years’ experience in the beverage industry. He will start with the development of the subsidiary company and its sales and marketing structure. He will then assist with the opening up of new markets and branches of industry, as well as developing new products.
Fascination for IMD and his new assignment
IMD is the technology leader in many sectors and Rolf Steinmetz finds it fascinating to be able to work as part of this young, highly creative team. Decision-making paths are short and all are open to customer requirements and tackling the constantly changing challenges facing the company. In this way, Rolf Steinmetz can further develop personal contact with customers, because this is where the key to success lies, as he is keen to stress himself.
His maxim is also IMD’s maxim
“Only if you know your customers and listen to them, can you know what they want.” Rolf Steinmetz lives by this basic principle. Firstly, requirements are checked and specified in collaboration with the customer. Using this as a basis, IMD develops the best technical solution for its customers – individually and à la carte.
Taking advantage of 26 years’ experience in the beverage industry for IMD
Rolf Steinmetz has worked for different market leaders in the industry as a design engineer, project planning manager and global sales and marketing manager. For the last five years he has been self-employed, developing and running turn-key solutions for the PET beverage industry.
Portrait of Andrea Altmann, Support and Sales Back Office, IMD (EMEA) GmbH in Kriftel, Germany

Wide range of background experience – ideal for this assignment
Andrea Altmann is a qualified banker and economics graduate. After completing her studies she worked in Lean Materials Management at General Motors Europe and Opel in Rüsselsheim. After a break to have her two daughters, she joined MHT, a manufacturer of PET injection moulding tools, firstly in the Development Department and then Sales. Apart from administrative work, she also developed a sales management accounting system.
Appealing challenge of development
The opportunity to help build up a new site for IMD in Germany appealed greatly to Andrea Altmann. The experiences she has been able to gather in recent years are very broad-ranging. In her new position with IMD, she can draw on all areas and her wealth of experience. At the same time, she will have the opportunity to learn a lot more. Previously she planned, developed and checked. Now she can do everything on her own for the first time which is something she is looking forward to.
Support and the sales back office are in good hands with her
Working together with Rolf Steinmetz, she will set up the new base in Kriftel, Germany. Andrea Altmann will then be responsible for the sales back office and support. She will draw up quotations and prepare spare parts for despatch.
We wish both of them every success!